Monday, May 18, 2009

I’ve been putting off starting this for a while cause I don’t know how to start it, or what to say, or what people want to know. So I’m just going to start by telling you what I know…

I’m spending five weeks this summer in Uganda at Project Bumwalukani (hence the blog name). I’m going with the Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children aka FIMRC. This is their website for my project you can navigate from there to look at their whole site and all the different projects.

I am leaving June 18 and flying through London and Kenya before I arrive in Uganda on Saturday, June 20. Don’t worry- I found out this week that I am meeting up with another volunteer, Molly, in London and then flying with her to Uganda. Once there, we will be met by the FIMRC staff and take an 8ish hour taxi ride to the village at the base of Mt. Elgon.

At this project, FIMRC is partnered with Arlington Academy of Hope, a non-profit organization that provides education to the village community. FIMRC is able to provide basic healthcare to the 300 students and teacher which attend the school, as well as the needs of the surrounding community. While I’m there I will be helping the Ugandan medical staff treat patients, take patient histories, collect data and statistics of illnesses/symptoms to help better serve the needs of the people, and give health education lessons at Arlington Academy and the other five primary schools in the area.

I am confident that this is where God has called me this summer and that His work does not begin when I get there, but has already begun. This is not a Christian or church-affiliated organization, but people who desire to create an easier and better quality of life for the people of Uganda. Recently I have come to realize that my mission field and the people I am ministering to are not just the Ugandan people, but the FIMRC staff and other volunteers that are there as well.

To close this I’ll list a few prayer requests. I don’t know when I’ll update this again, maybe not until I’m on my way- or maybe sooner if there are updates or things I have forgotten!

Prayer Requests
- Travel
- Molly, a nursing student from Wisconsin who will be spending 4 weeks in Uganda
- The people of Uganda, specifically those in Bumwalukani associated with this project
- The other volunteers and FIMRC staff in Bumwalukani
- Preparation- spiritual, packing, collecting supplies
- Middle school camp where I will be with girls from my church the first week of June
Thank you for your prayers and support!

In Him,

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