Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Today got off to a slow start. Last night was kind of a wild night at the Guest House. Our house manager and project manager are in the city for a couple days, so getting to bed was not a priority last night. Molly and I did make it up to the clinic only 30 minutes after it opened, but we shouldn’t have worried. As expected, it was a slow day. Taking temps and heart rates and entering them in to the computer was the main task for the morning. We got to a girl who was only 3 months old, but she was skin and bones. I’ve never seen a baby this tiny. Her cry didn’t even sound like a cry really. We noticed that her chest sounded really congested when we were listening to her heart. Luckily, on Tuesdays, Dr. Abeso, who works in the hospital in Mbale, comes to see patients so she was able to take over. This baby girl was severely dehydrated. She tried for almost an hour to find a vein where she could get fluids into her, but they were so small. Dr. Abeso then gave the father some money to take the child quickly to the hospital, where they would have the necessary equipment to nourish her. She told us at lunch, however, that often the parents will go home first and to the hospital later, when it is too late. Sometimes we do what we can, but even then it is not enough.

Yesterday, my devotion book began a section on the life of Daniel. Daniel was born into nobility, but his land was invaded by Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar. He was taken from his home and offered luxuries to persuade him to give up his commitment to God. The first day was titled “Far From Home,” apropos I think, and talks about how everything changed for Daniel, but God’s presence sustained him. That is exactly what I am experiencing right now. Everyday, whether it is something big or small, I am constantly reminded that God is right beside me and he will be with me always, wherever I am (Isaiah 41:10). I am praying that you at home are experiencing His nearness as I am here. He has gone before us and prepared a way until the very end of our days. Nothing we are going through or experiencing surprises Him, He has purposed everything in our lives. Ultimately, God honored Daniel’s commitment and granted him unusual wisdom and a long, productive, and honorable life. Wow. That my faith would be as steadfast as Daniel’s and that I would learn and grow in God’s wisdom and grace- that is my prayer. And that I may never go back to a place where I am not actively seeking God’s will for my every day and seeing His touch in every part of my life.

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